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Recreational English

Make the Most of Your Visit: Learn English While Having Fun In our day people across the world talk, travel, study, and do business in English. Our short, but intensive ‘Recreational English Program’ is for those who want to improve their proficiency and have fun in the process. The system is designed to help you practice your writing, reading, listening, and speaking skills. A student visa is not required when you take up to 16 hours of classes per week. This program is ideal for visitors, new residents, dependent visa holders, people on a work visa, and any other immigration status in the United States.


Recreational students join the same classes as our Intensive English Program students. A Recreational English student can enroll from 12 to 16 hours per week. The class schedule will include the Core course and available supplemental skill courses such as Pronunciation, Writing, Conversation, and Business English.

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